
Find out what's new on OmniSets.

May 03, 2024

Export flashcards as CSV

After receiving multiple requests over several months, we are excited to announce that it is now possible to export flashcards as CSV files. Happy Studying!

Good luck for AP Exams. Chemistry people, you're up first on Monday ;)
May 01, 2024

Attached Docs in Study Mode

Wassup! Now you can view your attached docs in the Study mode to help you learn better. Now, you won't have to have two different tabs open.
April 30, 2024

Introducing Docs

We're thrilled to announce a new addition to OmniSets: Docs! This feature lets you enhance your study experience by attaching documents directly to your study sets. Whether you're jotting down quick thoughts or detailed summaries, Docs makes it easy to keep all your notes organized alongside your study materials. Oh, and we support it all, except the ones we don't. Tables, Columns, Math and more. Type "/" to check the full list.

Additionally, when you use Create from Note, a doc will be created just for you ;)

Keep an eye out for future updates, as we're considering expanding Docs into a standalone feature based on your feedback!
April 26, 2024

Updated Quiz Mode

Hey, hey, hey! We're back with another update for OmniSets. We know that most of you guys are probably swamped with AP Exams, tests, and more. We'll keep this update short and sweet, though. We've released a new Quiz mode that now includes Free Response grading, better AI Feedback, more features like notes, and the ability to study missed cards. Oh, and we almost forgot, some sweet LoFi tunes while you're acing the test.
April 20, 2024

Flip card order

Hey there! We've received some awesome feedback from our users regarding the order of cards in our app. We understand that some of you want the latest card to appear at the bottom instead of the top. So, we've decided to make it happen for you! We're thrilled to announce that we've implemented a button that allows you to flip the order of the cards. This means that you can easily choose whether you want to see the newest card at the top or the bottom. We hope that this new feature enhances your experience with our app and makes learning more enjoyable!
April 11, 2024

Mastery score on StudySet page

The mastery score was normally available only in the Study mode. This allowed you to see how much more studying needed for a particular card. With this update, you can see all your progress directly on one page without having to go to Study mode.
April 10, 2024

Beats in Study mode

Studying is boring and sometimes can get distracting. Today, we've released a small improvement to the study mode. In the top left, there's now a music icon where you can play a few tracks selected by the OmniSets Team. Thank you to the artists that provided their music for free ;)

Happy Studying!
April 08, 2024

Improved StudyPlan Creation

We've improved the way you create studyplans, including a help & guides sidebar on the right. Additionally, the StudyPlan page has an improved experience on mobile. Happy Studying!
April 06, 2024

AI in the card editor

What's up! Now, you have the ability to use AI inside the card editor. No more having to fork and copy studysets together.
March 30, 2024

Button to star all cards

Just a slight improvement this time, but one that is quite helpful! You can now star/unstar all the cards in a studyset. To unstar, hover over the star all button, and you'll see an option to unstar all the cards.
March 26, 2024

Introducing Intelligent Grading

Recently, we introduced a new and exciting feature called Intelligent Grading. While it is still in beta, this feature is available to you immediately when you start your study session.

With Intelligent Grading, the AI analyzes the meaning behind your words in written response questions rather than just matching them to the answer. This will help with more accurate grading of your answers.
February 26, 2024

Introducing AI Practice Problems

Introducing AI Practice Problems! Sometimes, regular flashcards aren't enough. This feature will allow you to test your knowledge against complex problem-solving scenarios. Exercise problems are a great way to learn and practice. Instead of just memorizing flashcards, work on practice problems that will help you understand and apply the concepts better.

However, a lot of people use flashcards as a way to study vocabulary, and we wanted this feature to work with those studysets as well. In Preferences you'll find a toggle named Vocabulary StudySet. Enabling this will tailor problems to vocabulary studysets.
February 24, 2024

A new Spell mode

We've released a new Spell mode! Study mode isn't the only one that got a fresh new makeover. This new Spell mode contains lots of bug fixes, but also new features like hints, showing the associated image for the answer and more!

Have a great week!
February 22, 2024

Math Formulas (beta)

Math Formulas have finally arrived! To try it out, head over to the card editor and tap on the fx button in the toolbar. Formulas are written using LaTeX; if you're unfamiliar with it, its quite simple and an extremely popular way to write math (for example: Notion), here's a guide to learn LaTeX quickly :)

Happy Studying!
February 19, 2024

Study Mode 2.0

Study Mode

The Study mode now has a refreshed look and feel and more performant than before. With smarter AI, it will now stop and show you the flashcards you're struggling on. So now, when you begin studying brand new content, learning is easier and faster.
Also released a new feature (beta), where you can get hints for any problem during the session that help guide you to the correct answer.


Study sessions have been rebuilt to handle much larger sets and less error prone. You can see if you are using a saved session by hovering over the cloud icon in the top right of the start modal.
At the end of your session, see how well you did compared to other users on OmniSets in similar study sessions. Plus, see average answer time and answer accuracy. Additionally, AI recommendations such as Lowest Performant Card can appear.
As the new Study experience rolls out to everyone, you may not be on it. The new Study mode will have a badge next to the mode name.


User settings have now moved to their own dedicated page, Select themes have now been removed from the theme list due to difficulties with maintenance and color accessibility control.

Helpful Resources

Helpful Resources for a StudySet can now be disabled permanently by clicking on the "X" button in the top right of the card.

Card Editor

In the card editor, you can now press "tab" to switch between the term and definition, provided you enabled the "Use tab to switch between term and definition" setting in your user settings.
January 28, 2024

Rebuilt flashcards mode and some fixes

Hey there! Happy January (almost february i know, been awhile!) We've been away for some time working on many new features for you guys (exciting stuff!), but in the meantime, we've released some updates that we hope make your study experience on OmniSets better.

The old flashcards mode had many problems and didn't work as well as we liked and so we've rebuilt it, this time with better performance and way less bugs. We've also fixed up some small issues in the Study mode and keyboard shortcut problems in the editor.

January 01, 2024

Find Helpful Resources for your StudySet

In the StudySet page, you'll now be able to find helpful resources for the studyset you're currently studying, with the click of a button. Helpful resources are links to websites and videos that can help you learn the content of the set. They are sourced from the internet and sources from more reputable websites are prioritized.

And, I forgot to say...Happy New Year everyone! 🎉
December 28, 2023

Introducing Chat with Skip (beta)

We're so happy to introduce a new feature called Chat with Skip! Available in the Study mode, it allows you to understand your mistake and get tips and suggestions for remembering concepts. Additionally, it can help you break complicated topics down into bite-sized pieces for easier understanding!

In the card editor, it is now much easier and quicker to load large decks and we've added some small UI improvements throughout OmniSets.
December 23, 2023

Faster Card Editor

Happy holidays, we hope you're enjoying these weeks! We've got some small but powerful upgrades this week. The card editor is now 4x faster than before and has some appearance tweaks ✨. In other news, more special characters are also allowed while creating a studyset.

Have an amazing rest of your holidays ~ OmniSets Team

Finals week is finally over. Phew. 😮‍💨
November 19, 2023

Highlighting and Shuffle in Flashcard Mode

You can now highlight your text in flashcards and shuffle the cards in flashcards mode. We have some more awesome updates releasing soon so stay tuned 😎

November 12, 2023

Translate OmniSets into 107 languages!

You can use OmniSets in about 107 languages! While these are not an official translations, it's certainly a lot better than nothing.

To try it out, head over to settings, language and choose the option you'd like! .

That's pretty much it :)

November 09, 2023

Better AI Generation and Performance Improvements

Quick shoutout for your patience on the recent OmniSets performance hiccup – all smoothed out now, thanks to your understanding!

Now, onto some exciting news: brace yourselves for a turbocharged version of our Create from note and video AIs! Say goodbye to the old 3, 7, or sometimes 15 flashcards routine – we're cranking it up to nearly 50 flashcards for you. We know this has been something a lot of people have asked about and we're glad to deliver. Happy Studying!

November 05, 2023

Better Intelligent Grading and Simplified Explanations

We're back again this week for some awesome new updates and features. Starting with the Study mode, Intelligent Grading has been heavily improved with options to even change the toughness! Additionally, when requesting explanations, you can choose to simplify them if they're a little too complex or wordy.

If you get a written response question wrong in the study mode, your original response will be clearly shown, and the notifications will stay up and visible until you move on to the next question.

October 27, 2023

Action Bar and Force Rewrites

Wassup! This week we've released a couple new awesome features (as always 😎)! Starting with the Action Bar, it's a new way to get around OmniSets and perform some different actions, without having to click so much. Change font sizes, search for studysets, quickly create new studysets and more; all from one singular action bar.
Force Rewrites are here! We've heard you! Sooo many (and I mean a lot) people have asked me if they can have an option to force a rewrite after they miss a written response question in the Study mode. You asked, we delivered. People study in all sorts of different ways, and I want OmniSets to fit into the way you personally study.
In other news, the documentation has been updated for OmniSets! Find it at OmniSets Docs.
October 14, 2023

Some cool AI features just dropped!

  • OmniSets now has the ability to convert youtube videos into flashcards (its currently in beta and limited), give it a try and let us know what you think!
  • There is now a "Recently Deleted" or "Trash" view in the dashboard. Even though there was a confirm popup, people still accidentally deleted sets 😭, so now you can restore them from the Trash.
  • The title is now a lot easier to edit, you can do so in the card editor, just tap once and change the title. That's it.
  • Reporting has been fixed (Thank you to those who keep OmniSets safe and respectful ❤️)
  • Latin has been added as a supported language. We're in the process of adding a lot more, but it takes time :)

October 09, 2023

Quiz and Study upgrades for this week!

In Quiz mode, you'll now benefit from enhanced grading, complete with AI feedback, and the ability to identify and address skipped questions. You can also customize your Quiz length by selecting the number of questions you prefer. Additionally, if you find yourself stuck on a Written Response question, a helpful hint is just a quick "idk" or a similar input away. In Study mode, your previous sessions are conveniently available by default, but you can easily opt to clear and start anew through the settings menu. When importing content from external sources like Google Docs, you'll appreciate that formatting is now cleared, thanks to hanna_barazna. Plus, the export feature has been fixed, and text sizes for flashcards are now consistent across the entire platform. Lastly, your chosen language selection for a study set will persist in the editor.

September 29, 2023

Rich text support and better formatting

You can now add Bold, Italics, Strike Through, Lists and adjust text color for the terms and definitions of flashcards. To do this, type what you need to in the term (or definition) box and select the part of the text you want to format. A bubble menu will show up with options!

Alternatively, for List, Italics and Bold, you can use the keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl + B, Ctrl + I and type - + for lists. You can even do numbered lists with number + . +

September 18, 2023

Send a Thanks ❤️ + Better Intelligent Grading + "Explain this"

Spell Mode

  • Ability to ignore special characters from the answer.
  • Small tweaks to UI, and options moved to a dedicated settings pop up.

Study Mode

  • Intelligent Grading is disabled by default and is now faster and better at recognizing wrong answers.
  • Notifications can be disabled (distractions?)
  • All text now supports the flashcard text size global setting.
  • The Explain this feature is now available for written response and includes a beautiful generation animation :D

Flashcard Mode

  • A progress bar is defined by the number of cards answered in each cycle.
  • The ability to swap the view, (terms, definitions)

Oh, and lastly:

  • The ability to Send a Thanks ❤️ for public studysets

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