Explore Features

Features for every student.

OmniSets is updated almost daily with new features, improvements and more.

Learn Faster

Learn Better.

From studying with AI to taking practice tests, we've got you covered.

Study Mode
Powered by a powerful AI algorithm, OmniSets' study mode is the best way to study flashcards. Using AI, it learns the way you study and adapts to your needs.
Quiz Mode
OmniSets' quiz mode is the best way to test your knowledge. With a variety of different question types, you can test your knowledge in a variety of ways and get feedback on your performance.
Match Mode
Matching is a great way to test your knowledge and have fun at the same time.
Spell Mode
Type out the term or definition to help you remember spelling and grammar.

Create faster

Everything you need to create flashcards faster.

Images are cool, but you know what else is? Generating flashcards from your notes. That's ridiculous (ly cool)

magic_exchange Create with AI

Powered by Wikipedia and next-generation information models, OmniSets can generate flashcards on ANY topic you provide.

sticky_note_2 Convert notes to flashcards

Using AI, OmniSets can convert your notes to small bite-sized flashcards while only extracting the useful information. Upload your handwritten notes or PDFs to get started.

Learn more

language Translations + Example Sentences

For language learners, we have something special. You can generate example sentences or translations from a list of foreign words.

Learn more

image Images

Add as many images as you'd like, definition and term.

format_list_bulleted Formatting

Highlights, Lists, Bolds, Italics! Go crazy!

speed Fast, Fast, Fast

A quick editor to help you create those massive Spanish word lists!

AP Testing, Finals Week, ughh.


What if you could study a studyset consistently all the way until your test day, to achieve maximum retention?

person Customized.
The amount of cards you see is based off of your learning rate and how well you're doing.
flaky Simple.
For each flashcard, check and see how well you retained it on a scale of 1-4, we'll decide when to show it again.
biotech Scientifically Proven.
This study method is known as Active Recall or Spaced Repetition. This is actually scientifically backed and is a proven study technique and is one of the best ways to prep for tests and retain information.
Product screenshot


"Out of clutter, find simplicity." ~ Albert Einstein

So...what else?




Enhanced Review Mode


Instant Response



Text to Speech




Duplicate Detection


Study Session Saving

Not quite done just yet

A library of thousands of flashcards.

Search and find over 100 thousand studysets covering AP Exams to Color Theory.

filter_list Advanced Filtering.
Filter by subject, grade, or even the specific author!
tag Tagging.
Search tags to find the studyset you need.
library screenshot

Explore More

There are way more features than what we've listed here, if we did, you'd be reading for hours (instead of studying!)

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